As Florida homeowners increasingly turn to solar power, one question dominates the conversation: “How will my solar panels hold up during hurricane season?” With over four decades of Florida solar experience, we’ve seen firsthand how quality solar installations perform during severe weather events, and the results are reassuring.
Modern solar installations are engineered specifically for hurricane conditions, with panels tested to withstand winds up to 140-180 mph – well above the requirements for even Category 4 hurricanes. The key lies in both the equipment quality and installation methods. High-end panels, like those we use from REC Solar, undergo rigorous wind tunnel testing and are certified for extreme weather conditions.
What many homeowners don’t realize is that solar installations can actually increase roof stability during storms. The mounting system creates a protective layer over your roof, and when properly installed, distributes wind forces across a larger area. Our mounting systems use specialized hurricane clips and enhanced attachment points that exceed Florida’s stringent building codes.
Recent hurricane seasons have proven the resilience of properly installed solar systems. During Hurricane Ian, our customers’ solar installations showed a 99.5% survival rate. The few systems that required attention needed only minor adjustments, not major repairs or replacements.
Battery backup systems add another layer of storm preparedness. While grid-tied solar systems must shut down during power outages (a safety requirement), adding battery storage like the Tesla Powerwall or FranklinWH systems allows you to maintain power even when the grid is down. This means keeping essential appliances running during and after storms – a significant advantage during Florida’s hurricane season.
Proper maintenance plays a crucial role in storm preparedness. Our annual inspection service includes checking mounting hardware, ensuring proper torque on all attachments, and verifying the integrity of roof penetrations. These preventive measures significantly enhance system durability during extreme weather events.
Insurance companies have taken notice of solar’s resilience. Many Florida insurers now offer discounts for homes with professionally installed solar systems, recognizing that quality installations often perform better during storms than traditional roofing alone. This adds another financial benefit to the already compelling economics of solar power.
Don’t let hurricane season concerns hold you back from solar savings. Schedule your free consultation today with Mirasol Solar!